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Instagram Attitude Caption For Boy


Instagram Attitude Caption For Girls


1. “Love me for who I am – not what you want me to be. Take me or leave me. It’s that simple.”
2. “Stop checking my Status, Go and love your GF.”
3. “The real reason women live longer than men because they don’t have to live with women.”
4. “Every problem comes with a solution, but my GF doesn’t have.”
5. “Someone asked me: How is your life? I just smiled and replied, She is fine.”
6. “I am not Spiderman nor Superman. However, I am the superhero for my GF!”
7. “I am a hot dude with a cool attitude.”
8. “Every problem comes with some solution… If it doesn’t have any solution, it’s a Girl!”
9. “Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine.”
10. “Men also have FEELINGS, for example, they can feel HUNGRY.”
11. “80% of boys have girlfriends… Rest 20% are having a brain.”
12. “In my house, I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision-maker.”
13. “Dear Good Boys, do not worry about having no girlfriend this time. Remember, bad boys will always have the best girlfriend but they will never have the best wife.”
14. “Better to be strong than pretty and useless.”
15. “Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do.”
16. “Boys are great, every girl should have one.”
17. “Man of the year.”
18. “Girls express their feelings via tears. Boys express their feelings via Beers.”
19. “A naughty thought a day keeps the stress away.”
20. “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished.”
21. “Every man is the architect of his own fortune.”
22. “A thinking man can never be brave.”
23. “Some men have Hundreds of reasons why they cannot do what they want to when all they need is one reason why they can.”
24. “Just Because I do not have A Girlfriend, does not mean I am Alone, I Have a Food and Internet.”
25. “Guys are like stars, there are millions of them, but the only one makes your dreams come true.”
26. “Live fast. Die young. Be wild. Have fun.”
27. “Boys. I’d turn gay if they weren’t so sexy.”
28. “Fashion should be a form of escapism and not a form of imprisonment.”
29. “I’m not cranky. I just have a violent reaction to stupid people.”
30. “I can’t say yes (a gentleman never tells). But I’d lie if I said no.”
31. “Your attitude may hurt me, but mine can even kill you.”
32. “I’m very much a gentleman in what I do.”
33. “A gentleman knows his actions carry more weight than any words spoken.”
34. “I am strong. I am kind. I am smart. I am important. I am fearless. I am amazing.”
35. “It’s attention to detail that makes the difference between average and stunning.”
36. “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
37. “A gentleman never talks about his tailor.”
38. “Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality.”
39. “Only great minds can afford a simple style.”
40. “In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.”

Best Friend Captions for Instagram

  • Rain or Shine. I will always be here for you.

  • Coffee and Friends make the perfect blend

  • In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies. But we remember the silence of our friends.

  • My best friend is a secret FBI agent, he collects all my secrets and reveals it to my parents!

  • Our friendship knows no distance.

  • The most discovery true friends make is that they can’t grow separately until they grow apart.

  • It is easy to find a friend, but difficult to find a true friendship.
  • Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest it is who came and never left your side.
  • Best friends help you to create memories.


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